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Safeway’s New Brand “The Market”

Safeway is tackling the urban grocery market with their new brand “The Market.” With fresh produce, a broad wine selection, a butcher shop and all the other accoutrements one would expect from a suburban supermarket, packaged in a compact style reminiscent of an urban corner market.

Safeway seems to be targeting urban consumers with a new brand and new experience that includes urban touches like in-store and on-the-street seating associated with the internal coffee shop, sushi bar and deli complete with 21st century touches like touchscreen menus and ordering and free wifi. The entire store has a great look and feel with excellent space design by

WD Partners. The store accomplishes long sight lines despite the compact space, excellent merchandising and a very clean interior as well as very friendly service. While perusing the store I had no less than three smiling faces in uniform asking if there was anything that they could help me with. Safeway seems to be making a major investment in a new type of experience for different consumers, initial impression suggest they’ve hit a home run.